Smash ultimate frame data download
Smash ultimate frame data download

With the huge hitboxes on her Ftilt, Nair, and Up Smash, Palutena is good at beating out campy playstyles. Since Palutena cannot kill with a foward throw or down throw alone, SDI is very important in this matchup. Do this by wiggling your left stick in the drection that Palutena is facing (therefore, you should SDI out). It is possible get out of Palutena's down throw to Bair combo, by SDI'ing out of it. Neither of these are particularly safe on shield, so if you can trick your opponent into using on one of them, shielding or dodging the move, you should have plenty of time to retaliate. By throwing out some type of attack and then baiting her to try and trade with one of these moves, you should be able to draw back, dodge the move, then follow with a grab or some type of counterattack. Palutena's Back Air and Dash Attack have invincibility frames on the shield, and she will win most trades with them.

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How to Beat Palutena Bait out Dash Attack and Bair Thus speedy characters like Roy and Inkling are some of her notable losing matchups. Characters with good ground game also can be used to counter Palutena, as her grounded options are limited relative to her aerial ones.

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Of those, rats (Pikachu/Pichu) do very well against her for their ability to get in up close and combo her. There are only a few characters who can truly be said to counter Palutena, given her amazing matchup spread.

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Additionally, her neutral aerial is disjointed and takes priority over most other aerials, so characters who rely a lot on their aerials will struggle to fight against her superior aerial game. Palutena does wonderfully against big bodied characters, as her attacks have large hitboxes that are very easy to land. Palutena enjoys a wonderful matchup spread, so there are really only a handful of counters that are not good for Palutena.

Smash ultimate frame data download